After a year of trying!


I just want to share my story for the lovely ladies still trying and waiting... June of last year I had a tubal reversal. I got my tubes tied after having my daughter when I was 24 because my boyfriend at the time did not want more kids and things were not going good between us and he really wanted me to get it done... A couple years later we broke up and I met my current partner/ husband who really wanted a child with me so we looked into getting a reversal and we did it June of 2018. We have been trying ever since to get pregnant and it just wasn’t happening. Last ovulation I didn’t even want to try anymore I was tiered of the negatives and decided to shift my focus on losing a few pounds and wanted to wait a couple months before getting pregnant because I’m in a weight loss challenge ..... My husband said we should still bd during my fertile window and at first I didn’t want to risk it but then I was like well I won’t get pregnant because I never do..... Honestly did not think it was possible and like I said I have spent the last month focusing on my health and also getting papers together to start a new job. So here I am pregnant and happy and scared , and it honestly happened when I least expected it. So for you ladies struggling to get pregnant try your very best to focus on your health and other things and when you least expect it, is when it will happen. I wish you all so much luck. Oh and these tests are at 11DPO.