
I'm sorta stuck in a really weird situation so my partner has 3 year old son from a previous relationship his mother is a psycho causes drama every single second

I've just found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant and his reaction was less that pretty he said I should have an abortion ,when we started dating we spoke about this I said to him I was against it and so was he .

I confronted him about it and he said people change no a good excuse really ,I want to keep this baby I gave him the options of we work this out together and have a family or I walk out and do it on my own .

A couple of days ago he said he'd changed his mind and he was going to try and make things work and now hes back to saying get an abortion so hes jumping in and out

He dosent like or want the idea of me going off on own because he said he cant stand to lose me and fall in love with someone else and watch me raise our child with someone else .

I really dont know what to do

Please help me , I suffer from severe depression and anxiety and this isnt the best situation to be in for me .

His son stays with us a couple of days a week .

His ex ruined his life why ask me to get an abortion and go through that when she gets to keep his child and why is his sons heartbeat more important that our baby