First birthday help!


Hi gals! Need some ideas for the big first birthday!

My parents got divorced a few years ago and are now both remarried. I love both of their spouses and their kids, but it's definitely still awkward. I don't talk about my dad with my mom and vice versa.

The thought of trying to arrange two separate parties for both sides is just exhausting and I hate it. So I thought, let's just have one party at a neutral location and everyone will just have to deal with it being a little uncomfortable.

There won't really be other kids there. I'm an only child and none of my cousins have young kids. So, it's more a party for the family than it is for my daughter. But I think it would be a good idea to have some activities planned to maybe break the tension and get people out of the "well this is awkward" mindset.

Any ideas on activities or games for the adults at a kid's party? I feel like this is impossible and it's going to be a huge flop! TIA!!