We made a baby 😊


Wanted to share a little of my symptoms for other people

10po had a couple flutters, a few cramps. When I wiped there was a small line of CM that had a little yellow tinge to it. Had to pee a lot. Even when I would pee I would leave the bathroom and it would feel like I had to go again think-I had to go #2 at least four times. It was like my bowls were on hyperdrive. All solid though

11dpo started posting the FRER took three of them.( All had lines.)

Which looked like it had an evap. I told myself it's a line. My husband was like theres nothing there. You're seeing lines because you want to. Um ok. I had a little CM on the toilet paper. Very clear. Just small spots less than an eraser head. Towards the evening I started getting cramps again. Was thinking maybe hes right these might be period cramps. But I've never had period cramps before my period. I've always had ovulation cramps.

12DPO. Woke up this morning cramping high up in my abdomen and low in my stomach. Felt nauseous like something was upsetting my stomach. I kept belching all day. The cramps would go away and then they would come back also with waves of nausea. And i got dizzy a couple of times and a hot flash and my boobs felt like a zap of lightening went thru them.a couple of times.

So I came home a for work and took 2 dollar store tests and they had faint squint your eyes, lines. I've used them before with scares and never even had indents. So I'm like alright back to the FRER something is going on i dont feel like this normally.

Then wam bam thank you jesus

Pink line in three minutes.

I appreciate everyone's help that saw my posts and gave me your opinions whether you said no or yes. This is why I've been on this app for so long. We are a band of women who care about helping other women and it means so much to those who get pregnant and those still trying.

I am 35 year old, a type 2 diabetic who got her a1c down 3 full points in 2 months. And I used preseed my first cycle There's always hope. Dont give up!!!