Please be pregnant


I’ve been pregnant 3 times.

1st full term live birth, now 18 months old.

2nd a 10 week miscarriage.

3rd a chemical lost very early.

Each time I’ve been pregnant, within a few days of ovulation I’ve become almost immediately ravenous, tired, bloated and gassy.

I feel it in my bones that I am pregnant with our rainbow, but I dare not say it out loud or breathe a word of hope.

I’m sure my husband knows it too because he heard me say I had a nap today and that I was ravenous... he said, “why so hungry...” he knows the signs because I confessed last time that I “knew” immediately because I had these symptoms. I don’t want to tell him though till I’ve got confirmed HCG bloods. I want him to be able to feel genuine excitement and not the disappointment we felt with the chemical.

Please be safe and heathy within me. 🌈