Contradictory fertility assessments


Has anyone else on here experienced completely contradictory fertility assessments? I’m 40 and had a fertility assessment at the end of March, which said my blood tests were normal and I had a good egg count. I also had a HYCOSY test which was normal, however we were told that we weren’t eligible for treatment on the NHS because of my age. We went to a private clinic but this time my diagnosis was low ovarian reserve, after two blood tests and a scan. The consultant said he could only see three follicles on the scan, but it was done two days before my period was due and I have had four periods since then, so that can’t have been correct and he did say that the scan was being done at the wrong time in my cycle and that there was a cyst on one of my ovaries which could have been hiding some follicles. One of the blood tests was done after the scan and a few days later I got the low ovarian reserve diagnosis- the words egg donor were used and I went to pieces. It’s been three months now and I don’t know what to do next and which of these experts I believe. I feel so confused, I don’t know if I even want to know or whether I should just walk away and let fate take its course. Any advice appreciated!