Pregnant after 2 years

So I got married 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with endometriosis not long after and was told I had about a 5% chance of getting pregnant and a 1% chance of carrying to term if I did. I had had 2 miscarriages prior to being married. About a year into being married, I got pregnant, but it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. My husband got angry with me because I didn’t tell him immediately that I was pregnant. He ignored me and told me his pain was greater. He became increasingly abusive. It was mostly verbal. And emotional. But occasionally he would put his hands on me in anger. He never hit me, but he would throw me down and pin me down and yell in my face and call me a stupid bitch or stupid cunt. I finally left him about a month ago on September 13. I haven’t filed for divorce yet because I can’t afford to. And he won’t file. A couple of weeks ago, I met up with an old friend. Things ended up going a bit further than I expected. Now I’m starting to experience symptoms...nausea, food aversions, increased sense of smell, and insane amounts of CM. I have no idea what to do. I’m absolutely terrified.