Purple bruise like rash

Okay guys, kind of stumped here. I’ve looked up several things and it seems it can be a multitude of problems. My husband didn’t tell me, but apparently I’ve had this rash type thing for a week now, and last night it got worse and is spreading. I went to the ER because I was bleeding (8 weeks pregnant) and found out I’m miscarrying for a 3rd time in a row. They looked at the rash and said 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know. And sent me on my way. It doesn’t hurt, or itch. But it is spreading. I recently went to the beach, but I guess this appeared before that. Everything I’m reading says clotting disorder, something with you kidneys (history of kidney problems in family), etc. I’m kinda concerned and thinking maybe I should go to the urgent care on base? I’ve felt really run down these past couple days.