Serrapeptase for blocked tube??


We've been TTC for 7 months now. I've lost one tube to an ectopic, then had 2 methotrexate shots- first shot didn't work- because of another tubal (both occurred while I had an IUD in place- I know, should've learned from the first one and gotten that thing taken out, but 3 doctors told me I shouldn't have any other issues... Please don't think I don't beat myself up about that every single day!!). Anyways, doctors want us to try for the rest of this year before doing an hsg to see if my remaining tube is blocked. I recently read about serrapeptase and how people with blocked tubes have gotten pregnant, so my questions are... 1- has anyone had success with this supplement? 2- how do you use it? 3- what brand so you use? I read somewhere you should use a high quality version but not sure what all that entails. 4- any adverse affects or anything else you think I need to know? I'd love to deal with this potentially blocked tube without surgery if it's possible.