My bfp is getting stronger now it is positive on digital


Hey ladies so I had a little scare. So I came home from work and want pee and saw that I had light red blood spots only two spots and that it. So I was glad that Exactly peed into a cup I feel like testing every time I pee at home. So I peed into the cup and it was not much pee. I pee like 30 minutes prior. So I have frequent urinating. So I was so worried that I took a cheap pregnancy test and this is what it showed.

The line got more bolder and quicker now. So it eased my mind that it is ok and that it was implantation spotting. So I decided with the same pee to take another two test which includes a digital test. And this is what it said . I took a first response and a first response digital

I am so happy that I finally test positive in the digital. 😂🙏🏽 that mines my hcg level is growing. I am 11 dpo af was supposed to show tomorrow. So I am so excited to see that so that little bit of spotting was implantation spotting.