Need advice....plz ladies...

So me and my bf have a 6 week old baby. We broke up about 2 weeks after she was born, due to relationship issues. He moved out but we decided to work on us & be together, just not live together until we move into our own place here in a month or two (we were living with my mom).....

Well honestly, everything has gone pretty great. Besides the regular arguments couples have of course... however I notice my boyfriend being up his friends ass. They golf almost every day and we haven’t even been on a date, which is whatever I just kinda feel almost like I’m coming second or even just feeling somewhat neglected.

Tonight I straight up asked him, “Does Will (his best friend) come first to you before me? I’m feeling kind of put to the side...” and he said “not necessarily, but if someone were to ask me for sure who would be in my life forever I know Will would be which I’m not for sure about us”......

Now like I said, things have been great and everything so this Kinda came from left field. The way I see it, is if you don’t see us being together forever and aren’t willing to make the commitment to make it work no matter what, forever, then what’s the point?

I’m seriously so hurt. I asking him, “so, what you’re saying is you don’t know for sure if we are gonna be together and make it work through any problems we come across?” And he said “at this point, no”.....

But he said he does want to make things work and be together forever he said it just isn’t a for sure thing in his head....

Well I’m honestly feeling like I’m fighting this battle alone now. I don’t know if I can be with him after this talk..... I mean seriously, how can I lay in bed at night next to him (he sleeps over 90% of the time) knowing he’s not 100% DOWN for me...

Idk ladies please help and give me some sound advice 😔😔😔

Do I just end it now? Do I just give myself some space from him and not allow him to come over or see me for a few days so I can fall back? Do I just continue working on our relationship knowing it’s not a “for sure” thing?

We are 25 & 23 by the way. Idk if that makes a difference. I just want to feel like I have someone that’s down for me for the rest of my life and knows they want this forever and would do anything it takes for me....