Sch 7 weeks, 3 days (advice please lovely ladies)


Diagnosed with a small SCH on Saturday October 5 . Was in the ER due to bleeding.

My question is since then I’ve had 2 more ultrasounds, baby looks perfect , measuring correctly . Strong heartbeat 140’s. Also was put on progesterone 1x per night , levels were 17, they like them to be around 20.

Have since had two small bleeds, but every time I bleed, I panic. It seems the bleeding starts if I have been more active(walking around stores, doing house chores etc.)

When did you finally not worry, how can I not?

Next ultrasound is two weeks away.

Do I just base it off of the rule of as long as I don’t bleed through a light pad in an hour, or unless I’m having SEVERE CRAMPING ,then I can rest easy knowing baby is ok??

Thanks ladies 💕