Husband’s step mom plagiarized my photo 🤬 (long story, please read all before commenting)

My husband’s step mom plagiarized my photo! My husband and I took photos last weekend to announce our pregnancy. I am a beginner photographer and took these photos on my own. She took my photo, cropped me and my husband out of it, and my photography logo and shared it as her own! When my husband commented “please do not alter my wife’s photos” and tagged my photography page and uploaded my unaltered photo, she deleted it. 😡 he reposted it but just tagged my photography page this time with the photo, and she sent him a text and said “I’ll accept that.”

Her and his dad have been ignoring my husband’s text messages lately about some concerns we have been having and haven’t asked about the baby since we told them back when I was 6 weeks. Now I am 15 weeks and haven’t cared to ask us how we are or the baby. The step mom even said back when we told them that “I don’t want to be called grandma” and “we figured you guys would get pregnant, we knew this would happen.” When we finally announced on social media, she took it upon herself to buy a grandma mug and post it on fb. And under that post is where she took my photo and used it as her own. 🤬

I posted about them weeks ago and I got several comments stating I was overreacting and even that I am a “narcissist” for complaining about them not being involved and only post photos on fb about their dogs and how they win ribbons. But you know what? I was right after all. She stole my photo, deleted my husband’s comment, and both deliberately ignored his text messages days before about concerns we had. 🙄

When they finally did text him back they got mad at him for calling her out and she said “wft no” when he text them not to alter my photo. She started saying “after all we have done for you” and other manipulative shit like trying to blame me for what’s happening. Even went as far as telling my husband, after he said she was hurting my photography business by cropping my logo out, that I basically need to become a professional on my own. With that being said, she is a small business owner and has been trying to get me and my husband to spread the word to our friends and family about her store because she is all about supporting “local businesses.” 🤬 Oh and his ball-less dad never said anything just let her manipulate my husband and just “liked” her snarky texts towards my husband. And every time they text him, they deliberately left me out of it and avoided the group chat that my husband originally started. I text them in the group chat and said “since you both are leaving me out of the convention I am going to say just this, you will not be apart of my life or the baby’s life until you guys start acting like adults. And remove my photo you plagiarized.” They never answered me but this morning the post was gone. 👍🏻

I know some of you will probably still think I’m overreacting, but I know what’s going on behind the scenes and there’s a lot more drama they’ve caused in the past that I didn’t include in this, and it’s not over fb posts. And sometimes your intuition just tells you something isn’t right. So, I am proud for what I said and I will stand by it. My husband can do what he wants, but I will not allow them to control or manipulate me, therefore they will not see me or our baby until they grow up and stop acting like entitled snobs. Here is my photo and here are her posts.