I. F*cked. Up.

I believed him when he said they have been separated for 2 years and that she was just making the divorce difficult and long. I believed him. Because they haven't been living together. They don't really communicate unless its regarding their child or paperwork or stuff about shared things (like the mortgage on the house - she lives there, he has an apartment)

Well. Like I said. I believed him. She apparently has a boyfriend and they are no longer committed to each other.

So my stupid ass fooled around. Got attached for 12 months. Now. My period is due today. Nothing. I'm freaking out. Because there is a very good chance I am pregnant. What makes it worse? He's been a ghost for 4 days. Told me once the divorce was final he would propose to me. Now? His wife who I thought was his ex has been posting about her loving and supportive husband and how nothing can break them. I'm like huh?! What about the who separated for 2 years thing?

Tomorrow I'm taking a test because I don't have one handy. I screwed up. I believed him. Damn if theres a baby I just might cry. I don't believe in abortion. But now I'm like, if I turn out to be pregnant, what now?!?!