Potty training help!


My daughter has been very interested in potty for almost 6 months. The past month she’s been telling me when she has to go or has gone, asks to go to potty sometimes and has successfully done #1&2 on several occasions. My husband and I decided maybe it was time to make it official and since she was already doing well started the 3 day method. Day one went amazing! She was telling us when to go, she’d happily run to the bathroom when her special timer went off and at least try. We did sticker charts and she was pumped. We had no peepee accidents all day just a poo. We stayed positive and all actually had a pretty fun day of laughing, potty, dancing and games.

Now...day two 🤦🏻‍♀️. She won’t sit on the potty. When I ask her if she would try she started crying. We’re still singing and dancing and have stickers but she just keeps saying “no. Don’t like it” crying and wanting me to hold her and refusing to sit on potty. I don’t get it? Does this mean she’s just not ready and we should put it on hold and try again (or something else) later? Should we just keep trying? Any tips?

She just turned 2 but has been acting interest since about 18 months.