
My mom has boundary issues. I have been working on setting my own the past three years, and since then her life has completely fallen apart. (Not because of my boundaries, I put up the boundaries because I was pregnant with my first and couldn't handle the drama in their life). Anyway, one of the last conversations we had a few weeks ago she told me f*** you because I sent her an article about this flu season being bad (long story). We haven't spoken much other than her texting me to tell me how terrible her life is. (As if pregnancy, parenting, and working two jobs isn't hard enough on me).

This morning I woke up to a text "I need a hug. I have nothing and I am nothing. Everything I loved is gone everything I cherished is gone." She is playing the guilt and victim game. She is very good at playing the victim and has manipulated me my whole life. I have been in therapy but haven't been able to get in recently. Anyway, I know this isn't pregnancy related but I'm trying to do the right and healthy thing. Any advice?