Ultrasound today at 6w2d. There are 2 sacks but they couldn’t see the babies.

Amanda • 👶🏼💜 February 2016 Miscarriage May, August, October 2018, & June 2019 Twins October 2019 & June 2020

Went in this morning for an early scan because of 4 previous miscarriages. They found 2 sacks!! But they didn’t see any babies. I’m being sent to the hospital for a STAT second ultrasound later today. My doctor said she couldn’t be sure it was a viable pregnancy or not. She wasn’t convinced either way. So now I’m sitting here trying to process it all.

How after 4 precious losses do I handle this news?? You’re pregnant with twins but we aren’t sure they are okay!! Ugh. I’m freaking out.

I need to know if my babies are okay.

Anyone have empty sacks at 6 weeks and go on to have a successful pregnancy?

I wanna be hopeful but I’m absolutely terrified to have hope and those these babies too. Help!