I had to crawl into a bed with him

Now by the way I named this topic it sounds bad but I promise it isn’t at all!

Over the weekend I went to see a old friend because I hadn’t seen her in like two years and we weren’t busy so we planned for me to come and stay with her for the weekend and just have a fun girls weekend since her SO was out of town for some work thing.

So my friend lives about 3 in a half, 4 hours away from me and I was about two hours into my drive to see her, when I suddenly get a call from her. I thought she was calling me to just see how far out I was or something, but she was actually calling me to tell me that she totally forgot that a month ago she promised her older brother he could stay with her and her SO while he was in town for a work conference and totally forgot that it was the same weekend I would be there. So I was annoyed at first but she explained that he really wouldn’t be at the house much and would pretty much just be there to sleep and possibly eat, so he really shouldn’t cut into our girl time.

So I got there and my friend put me into one of the guest rooms and I put my stuff down and was just looking around while my friend talked about what she had planned for us, and I noticed that there was a bathroom that was connected to the room but noticed there was another door inside the bathroom so I asked her what the other door was and she said that the bathroom actually connects to both of the guest rooms and that I would unfortunately be sharing a bathroom w/her brother.

I was kind of weirded out by the thought that I would be sharing a bathroom with her older brother but decided to push those weird feelings away so I could just have a fun weekend with my friend.

Well fast forward to Saturday night she and I were out on her patio just drinking some wine and catching up more and out comes her brother to tell her that he’s back and ask me if it was okay if he took a shower before he went to bed. Of course I said yes he could because it was his bathroom too but kind of thought it was sweet(in a weird way) that he asked me.

Well it’s like midnight so my friend and I go to sleep and her brother had gone to bed four hours ago so while I was in the bathroom I tried to be quiet.

Well I went to bed but woke up with tremors. This happens from time to time for some reason even though I take a seizure medication but I always carry a dissolvable tablet with me that stops the seizure from happening but takes about 10 mins to fully kick in. And I truthfully get kind of scared every time this happens because I hate that I can’t really do any but let the medicine do it’s job.

Normally when this happens I just turn on the tv to get my mind off of what’s going on w/my body but the room didn’t have a tv and I didn’t want to use my phone to watch anything since the pixels are different. So I very slowly and shaky walk through the bathroom to the bedroom where my friends bro is sleeping because I need someone to just talk to me or talk about something to me to get my mind off what’s going on.

So I reach his bed and call out to him and start patting the bed trying to find his leg to wake up up because me calling out his name was not working. So I find his leg and start patting it and saying his name louder and he wakes up and turns over on his side(he was on his stomach I think) and asks what was wrong and I explain what was happening and what I needed him to do for me and of course he told me come on the bed and lay with him while the medicine kicks in.

He starts just talking about his work what he does for the company he works for and my tremors had gotten worse while I walked to his room and was standing there so I was moving much more and I think that scared him because he asked me if he could put his arm around me to keep me from falling off the bed(even tho I had plenty of room) and I said yes. Having his arm around me would make me feel more comforted anyways so he threw his arm over me and pulled me a bit closer to him and while he was doing that I had another tremor so his grip on my kind of got tighter but he loosened up after it went away. And 10 mins past and I still was having small ones(which happens sometimes too) and was just talking and at one point started rubbing my back which made me feel a lot more comforted and relaxed and because the medicine makes me drowsy, I told him once they go away I’ll just go back to my room, but he said that he wasn’t comfortable with me walking back to my room with what just happened and just wanted me to stay w/him. And I did. I stayed with him and fell asleep right next to him with his arm still wrapped around me all night until 8:00 o’clock in the morning when his alarm went off. And I’ve been single for awhile now and I forgot how nice it was to wake up next to someone and we just kind of starred at each other while we were waking up and I kind felt warm on the inside? He said good morning to me with a sleepy smile and his hair was all messed up and I thought he looked adorable like that and in the 15 years I’ve known him I never once had that thought until that moment.

He asked how I felt and if I was okay and I said I felt fine and explained that that happens sometimes and even my doc doesn’t know why it happens and he told me he was happy to hear that because he was worried about me and didn’t know that I had that problem sometimes. But we laid there just talking/starring at each for several minutes until the thought came into my mind that he probably needs to start getting ready for his work thing and would have to leave soon.

He said I was right but he told me he was really comfortable and didn’t want to leave but he got up anyways.

The moment he got up and out of bed I finally noticed that all he was wearing was his underwear and had nothing else. Also never realized how in shape he was and noticed that I was totally checking out one of my best friends older brothers body and kind of just cringed.

I saw him in such a different way then I ever had seen him and I still just keep thinking about him and the way I felt laying next to him and just having him stare at me w/a little smile on his face and he even texted me later in the day asking again if I was alright and told me to drive safely and let him know when I got home which I thought was sweet of him to say.

But like I feel like a bad friend or something because I think I might have this crush on him because of what happened and I have no clue what to do! I didn’t tell my friend about what happened and I’m fairly certain he didn’t mention it either since she hasn’t said anything to me but I have no clue how to feel! Like if you were in a similar situation would you maybe feel differently about someone if they did that? Or am I just thinking way too much in to this because I’ve been single for a while now and he happened to show me some kind of attention and now I just think I have a crush on him when that could possibly not be true.

Any advice on what I should do?

Update-So I got a chance to talk to my friend and asked her how she would feel if she had a friend that maybe had feelings towards one of her siblings(she has four siblings) and she said that she wouldn’t mind honestly and asked me why I asked. So, I told her what happened and said ya know I think I may have some sort of feelings or maybe a crush on her brother and she got so excited after I told her that. She got ahead of herself and said if we dated then got married then she said she could officially call me her sister even though there’s a “in law” after the sister. Then had the thought of oh no what if we break up and would it be awkward or not, then cut off her own thoughts and said she wouldn’t care if it was awkward or not because are friendship means to much to her.

But After everything happened that night her brother and I kept texting each other and then actually face timing each other and when we face time we ended up talking to each other for a solid three hours and it didn’t even feel like that long in all honesty. It just felt like we were maybe talking for 30 minutes or something. And I really think I have feelings for him now that we’ve had deeper conversations and I’m thinking about talking to him to see if there’s a chance he could maybe have any feelings towards me like I do him.

We plan on face timing again on Friday(or tomorrow) so I think I’m going to ask him then if I have enough courage to ask him. I’ll make a update if there’s anything to update in case anyone is actually curious.