

Hey just here for some friendly advice :) so after ovulation (according to glow) I don’t track it, I had some pink and brownish spotting for a couple of days so I took it as implantation. When my period was due I took a test it was negative, my period never came I just continued to spot it wasn’t like my regular period, that was a week ago. By saying my regular period I mean my periods are usually horrific I’m filling a pad at least every 2-3 hours and the cramps are unbearable, my periods are very painful and heavy. This one just didn’t seem right as i was only spotting and my cramps were barely even there just had light cramping on my lower right side!

Since maybe yesterday the day before I’ve noticed my boobs look a littler bigger they are quite swollen and my nipples are very sensitive, even my T-shirts being on top of them is quite sensitive. My pee has a very strong smell too it, and I’ve had quite a few headaches, also been more tired than usual. Should I test again incase maybe I ovulated later than I thought and could actually be pregnant? Or am I being paranoid and could it of just been a one off painless bloodless period 😂 too add I’m not on any bc and don’t use protection. We say we aren’t really trying but it would be great if it turned out I was pregnant! Thanks for reading