What should I do?

I’ve been talking to this guy for a few months. At first he was confusing as to what he wanted out of what we were doing. I would always tell him that too. But I think he was honestly just scared of commitment and letting me in too quickly, because that’s what he expressed to me.

A few weeks ago I noticed he started to change a bit. He started messaging me all day every day. When we would hang out, which was all the time, he would do little things like say “thanks” followed by a kiss. He showed more pda. He bought me all my food for those few weeks.

I work with him, but not always the same shift. This week however I am. And this week he hasn’t really messaged me. The other day he was joking around with me over text and then said bye. Yesterday I saw him and he acknowledged me and said bye. Today I messaged him asking if he was okay. He said yeah and after a bit he said the same. But would send me a snap, be the first to view my stories. We have plans for this weekend so I’m curious as to what’s gonna happen. I just left it at “bye”. I didn’t even reply. He’s obviously still interested if he’s liking my posts and viewing stories and snapping me. I get that we’re not exclusive and he doesn’t have to talk to me all the time especially if we work the same time. Should I just let him come to me???