Failed ECV at 38 weeks & seeking help!!!


My baby girl has been in breech position for the last 2 months so my doc and I decided on trying to perform an External Cephalic Version (ECV) to see if he could get her to flip head down. The procedure is fairly simple and basically just involved the doc pushing VERY hard on my abdomen to try and rotate the baby into position. After about 30 very painful minutes of trying to flip this little stubborn princess, Doc finally called it and she is still in breech position. I am heartbroken to say the least because as I’m sure you all know, breech baby = automatic c section 😓 I really had my heart set on delivering my baby girl 100% natural without epidural or anything and I am so beyond disappointed that I’ll have to schedule a c section at some point next week. I’m praying that she’ll somehow be able to flip on her own between now and then every though the odds are not in her favor. Do any of you mommies have ANY tips on flipping a full term baby?? I’ve tried all of the techniques on spinning babies so far and have had no luck 😕 ANYTHING helps 🙏🏽🙏🏽