Wave of Light

Casey • Wifey 💍 Fur mama 🐾 10/04/2019 👼🏼

I found out 2 weeks ago I had a blighted ovum. Somehow I knew going into the appointment that morning that there wasn’t going to be a baby. It was so weird. I had a D&C 3 days later. Horrible. I can’t let go of the fact that we finally were going to have a baby. 5 days after my D&C I started bleeding pretty heavily. 8 days after I started passing tissue. And still am. My doctor said I’m not bleeding heavy enough to be concerned. But I’m just done. I had the procedure so why am I bleeding so much? I just want it to be over with already so my husband and I can move onto the next chapter. Hopefully the bleeding stops soon. Tonight I am acknowledging my loss in the wave of light 💕