Wtf is going on with me

Chelsea • Nursing student • Mama of both • iced coffee addict • all things cheetah print •

Okay so the last full period I had was in August, I had a little bit of spotting in September but not enough to consider it an actual period (or so I’m thinking) fast forward to now, I still haven’t started my period, no cramps, just no signs at all. We’re actually ttc so I’m testing frequently and they’re always negative, last night I took two last night and they have faint but noticeable lines, I took another tonight and it’s negative. I check my temp every morning and I watch my cervical discharge, which is not helpful because it’s the same everyday. It’s hard to track when my periods are so inaccurate, and I can’t see my doctor until November. Y’all I’m so frustrated and just confused at this point. It’s not making any sense.