Nursing schedule change? Help!

Molly • 29 yrs old, Mom to twin 9 yr old boys 👦🏼👦🏼, beautiful 1 yr old baby girl 👶🏼 & pregnant w/ a baby boy due Sept. 2020. Married to the love of my life 💏

Okay I tried to find a post about this but I can’t. My LO has always nursed every 2 hours. Now that she’s coming up on a year I am trying to go longer in between feeds and I’m trying to figure out a different schedule that works with her naps etc. Has anyone else gone through this or going through this with feedings being so often? I keep seeing that people are only nursing like 2-3 times a day and that sounds amazing but i have no idea how to get there. I think I’d like to do 4 times a day, right now she does like 7-9 times. I love BF but I’ve been doing it every two hours for a long time and girl, I’m tired! She eats solids 3 times a day and wakes 1 time (sometimes) at night for a feeding, and naps great. How do I transition to less feedings and how does that work with her naps? I really need help!