Super Lazy Husband

So without doing it on purpose my husband is super lazy... and tbh I blame his mother (I will explain)...

So before my husband and I got engaged he was still living with his mom and I was living with my mom (were 28 & 29 together for 5yrs married for 3). The difference between our moms is that I had chores even as an adult and it was easy keeping the house clean because my mom would clean up and even tho my room would get junky when I was ready to clean it I could clean it very well.

My husband on the other hand didn’t grow up like that he was spoiled and his mom did everything for him. Even cleaned his room. Now being lowkey lazy or junky doesn’t bother me too much because when it’s time to clean up we just clean up. I’m not a neat freak in any sense but I just feel like you should at least know how to clean. Now his mom never even taught him HOW to clean...

Like even when he tries to help he’ll still leave stuff on the floor or do it so halfass I’ll still need to come back behind him and finish the job.

Normally I don’t mind because I am a stay at home mom and try to keep the house decent I don’t clean 24/7 because tbh I have better shit to do...

Now that I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my second and with a 2yr old, household chores has gotten harder to do. My 2yr old helps me pick things up from off the floor but he’ll help for like 5 min then be on to the next thing.

But my husband will literally walk over things and act like they’re not there even after I ask.

And I’m really nesting now but the more I do the more Braxton Hicks I get And I’ve felt a contraction after being on my feet. So he’s offered to help, but of course it’s half ass or he doesn’t help finish the job. But will complain about things needing to be clean 🤦🏽‍♀️ (we don’t have the money for even the cheapy cleaning services available in my area which I think would help so he doesn’t have to do anything.

But yeah not only am I with my 2yr old all day everyday I don’t even get help in the evenings unless I make it like I really need it (for ex: my back really hurts I can’t move can you finish bedtime routine)

I’m just annoyed, and his mother tried to joke with me like “haha he doesn’t lift a finger at home huh” like no bitch because of the way you raised him!! 😤😤😤

I’m just venting cuz I know he’s not a clean freak but it’s just when it’s a time we actually need it done it’s like just fucking do it without complaining or do it right or finish the fucking job...