When things get physical

I can’t write every bad thing that’s happened in my relationship over a course of four years because then it would be a book.

I hit my SO today. I know that domestic violence is domestic violence. But it got to the point where he was trying to yank my son out of the car and it made me furious. We aren’t married and where I am located if you’re not married or he hasn’t went to court to legitimize that he has no rights. He WAS a great father. If you seen a post about my fil living with us, yes thats me. My ex was mad today bc he didn’t read a full text and thought I was giving him attitude by saying “and.” When it wasn’t just that. By the time I got home he was just mad, I hadn’t done anything to him and was sick of it by then. He’s a weed smoker and I told him I didn’t have money for weed he’s just like I know youre lying. It ended up being you owe me 20$ for putting gas in your car. Then tried to say that I couldn’t get The. Job I was applying for I said bullshit he said well then pay for a baby sitter. I said ok fine I’m leaving Anyway cause I’m tired of the toxicity and being blamed for every little thing. If you knew him you’d know he doesn’t cop to anything. He is always the victim and it is always “I haven’t done anything to you” (to everybody in his life) I told him he wasn’t yanking my son out the car and I was in the process of calling the law when he yanked my phone up. He has broken my previous phones when mad. I hit him, hard and several times. He spit on me several times. He said he was going to call the cops, I wanted him to by this point I know what I did was wrong. His dad told him not to put his hands on me bc he knows how my ex is. Hes never hit me but he thinks the world revolves around him and will yell and belittle someone until he gets what he wants so his dad knows what I go through. I left all my stuff there down to diapers and got a motel. I have nothing with me bc I was just trying to get the hell out of there. When I Got in my car he’d try taking my keys, messing with my tires, and kicking both mine and my sons window in! My window wasntbudging. M y son is nonverbal but he can say little words so he just says dada mean. He wouldn’t move out the way I just backed my car up he was still attempting to break my window. He picked up one of those cement blocks (I think there called cinder blocks?) and throw it at my car or window idk I was already far enough it didn’t reach me. Now he keeps calling from different numbers I’ve been blocking every number. I want t go to the law but I’m scared they will put me in jail as well since I hit him. I wontrun from them I just have no where tot all my son right now. My sister gets off at 2am. I’m sure he will find me. There’s no where to hide my car in this parking lot and it’s a small town. I’m sure my stuff will be destroyed by the time I go back to get it.

I am also pregnant with our second