3 periods a month about every 5 month


OK so I'm 33 and I do have 4 kids but I've never experienced this before. I have pcos and I take the birth control pills faithfully every day. The last year or so (give or take a few months) I've noticed about every 5 months I have 3 normal legnth periods. The Las 1 or 2 are pretty painful and pretty heavy (I don't have real painful periods and they are usually not real light but not heavy either). I mean I know I'm old enough that I should know what's going on with my body but I've NEVER done this before and tbh I don't know what's going on. Please don't tell me to go to the doctor. Trust me I would if I could. I don't have insurance and we don't really have the money for me to go right now. Any advice or what you think could (not is but could) be the problem would you ladies please help me out and let me know. Tia.