When is enough?


I'm posting this because I want advice and honest opinions. Grab a glass of wine ladies =)

Is it healthy to stay in a relationship because you've been through a lot together or if you two are not connected anymore should you just end?

I know my husband for the past 5 years, we've been married for 3 years and we've been through A LOT.

Now, you'll read my side of the story, just like everything it has two sides, but I'll start by saying I'm not an easy person, I am stubborn and (unfortunately) I always think I am right.

I guess the first big *no no* my husband did was, when we lived with my parents, getting home drunk, he proceeded to the kitchen to vomit and shit. Yeah, he shat in my parents kitchen. Didn't clean, went to take a shower, I saw it at 2am and asked him to clean.

Another big no no was, while we were living in a different country, he took photos of random women and shared with his friends *and* he was in a chat group with my close friends and we'd often share photos of our outfits before parties, he also shared those. And the comments were disgusting. "Need to take a quick one cause the wife is here" "Perks of being in the group chat with my wife's friends"

He lied about his brother throwing him a bachelor's party, while I was traveling, 2 years after we got married. It was more of going out with friends, still named bachelor's party.

Well, the last no no was bluntly saying how I would not be a good mother because I can't apologize or recognize being wrong - he is right, it's one of my biggest problems - but he said it while we are in the middle of the process of being licensed foster parents.

Last but no least I do not get along with family at all. I do *love* my parents and my extended family and whenever they are visiting us he has a bad attitude, always on his phone, complaining, when we walk places he's always ten steps ahead of us (which he hates if I do with his family).

All that being said, in the realm of shit my husband did/do, he's not that bad. He's sweet, never raised his hand at me, never cheated (that I know of), is responsible with our pets...

The cherry on the top is my job. Who drains me emotionally and physically. I love it, I travel a lot, I get to meet different people, go to different places, but he doesn't quite get that. Whenever I'm traveling he just sees it as a break and parties, goes out with friends, doesn't do anything at the house. And it feels unfair him doing that while I'm busting my ass. I have a good relationship with my coworkers and they are slowly feeling the emotional void to the point I don't need to rely on my husband emotionally to be happy. I go to work, or travel and it fills me. I know this sounds horrible, but it's who I am.

If you read all of this, thank you, it was a much needed "rant" after a couple glasses of wine.

I suggested couples therapy, heck *I* need therapy. On one hand I want to save my marriage, on the other I just hopes he does another stupid thing that will get me to say, okay, that's enough, bye.