Birth story


My due date was the 18th September. I tried everything under the sun to try & put myself into labour & nothing. I had two stretch & sweeps. One at 39 weeks & one at 40 weeks. Well on the 20th September around 5pm my contractions started. I started timing them & they were 7 mins apart. We headed to the hospital to meet my midwife when my contractions were 3 mins apart and lasting 2-3 minutes which was around 10pm. They checked me & I was only 3cm. Midwife told me to go for a walk, luckily the hospital had 10 flights of stairs which I reluctantly walked up & down twice. Headed back to the room where I hopped in the shower & started using the gas & air. Annoyingly enough the water was too intermittent with the temperature and just started annoying em. So I hopped out and sat on the ball to help get things moving since I was still only 3cm. They didn’t want to put me in the pool as they didn’t want my labour to stop. My midwife broke my water & that just kicked the pain up a notch. I eventually agreed to the epidural as they thought having me relax a bit would speed my labour up. So they checked me again still at a 3cm so called down for the epidural. Well they put the monitor on my belly & started to see baby wasn’t doing too well, oxygen levels were dropping, they had two different midwives come in to check the monitor, then the head doctor, they started to prep everything for a c section as they didn’t want baby to get worse. This had also put off my epidural as they would have just had to put the spinal block in which would have been a waste of the epidural. After monitoring baby for 30 mins, he was borderline alright with his oxygen levels so they let me get the epidural after checking me again (still 3cm) & said they were going to monitor me aggressively in case they needed to rush me downstairs. They had everything prepped & ready, have my consent, she had the needle in her hand when I screamed that I was pushing. I went from 3cm- 10cm in 10 minutes and 5 pushes later our baby boy arrived, 2.22am 21st September weighing 8lbs6oz. Our gorgeous Oliver made his arrival with a very chaotic entrance! He’s now four weeks old and is doing amazing 😍🥰