I'm failing.


So last night/this morning was awful. My baby A just wouldnt go to sleep for daddy like usual so I tried. I have graves disease and get very shaky. Well my 9 month old decided that the perfect time to flail while screaming was when I was shaking like a leaf and super lightheaded. Y'all I almost dropped her 3 times! I did the only thing i could, I stopped holding her like I was so I didnt inadvertently hurt her and held her tight till she got it out. But I had to catch her and I feel like a horrible momma. I mean I know it's better than letting her fall but still....good news is she got it all out and then finally fell asleep at 4am. After she fell asleep it was much easier to get her sister to sleep, she snuggled into my neck and was out by 4:30. I have been watching the cameras on and off now. And I'm probably not sleeping today. Asked dad to lay down and sleep for a bit so when I needed to I could and he could take over. Yeah, that didnt happen. He refused "not till you come to bed" he says. Like that will do me any good when I need you up to take care of the girls 🙄 here's my ID girls just for fun