😯 wow

Loreal • 1st time pregnancy

Hi guys. I did my transfer on yesterday 10/16 (granddaddy birthday) was all excited, nervous and just new it was a good day. We transferred 1 embryo that was grade 4AA I waited so long for this embryo pic. Y’all I have never been so scared and cautious in my life. I was scared to stand up afterwards ,scared to use the restroom just scared to move because I felt it would just slide out I know it’s crazy but that’s how I felt. So after the dr convinced me that it’s ok to do those things I got dressed and left the office. We had a four hour drive home so i had plenty of time to lay back and let my mind wonder. Well about 2 hrs into the drive I get a call from my aunt saying my great uncle had passed from a heart attack. The dr had just told me to be STRESS free and relax. Well well well that was hard to do ,so I held bk tears and tried to be strong and relax because I didn’t want to get my heart rate up. So the rest of the ride was kinda quiet because It’s the happiest day of my life because I’m pupo and then the moment of sadness. On top of this news I’m also moving while all this is happening this month. I’m pregnant, moving and just lost my uncle.

I say this to say god never put more on u then u can bare. 10/16 is not only remembered as my granddaddy birthday anymore it has 2 other memories now . My motto thru everything is I GOT THIS and I do. I have faith.