Would you be mad

Yesterday during my lunch break from work I went to my boyfriends house and I invited him over for dinner but he said he couldn’t go cause he was sick and I was understanding and said ok, after work I went back over to pick up our dog and his cane outside and he was upset cause he was fighting with his parent and it always breaks his heart fighting with them so I told him to come over we can have dinner and hang out stress free for a while and he said he can’t they are all still fighting he wants to figure it out still and he’s still not feeling well on top of that and I said ok again and was understanding on that. An hour later he texts me saying he’s going on a cruise so I tell him to come over and he said he doesn’t want my parents to see him upset like that so he’s just going to drive around , 30 min go by and he’s still not home so I ask where he is and he is at his cousins house hanging out there instead of coming to me after I’ve been asking him all day to come over and he leaves his house at 11pm which is early compared to normal but he’s been there for at least 4 hours

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