SHOCKED! Proof how much the theories don’t matter!


I kept track of all of our predictions in my pregnancy so far. I’m currently 14w2d

First off was the Ramzi theory at 6weeks:

The majority of voters thought boy, as I was thinking as well.

Then was morning sickness. I was only nauseous, I never got sick, just had to eat a plain diet. Thought boy.

Next was the cravings or aversions.

LOVE potatoes, carbs and burgers. I used to have a sweet tooth, got pregnant and the sweet tooth disappeared completely. I would try to eat a candy bar or ice cream and literally couldn’t do. Thought boy.

Next was the skull theory:

Most of you thought boy, as I did too.

Today we got our genetic testing back, and everything came back low risk!

We asked for the doctor to put the gender in an envelope so my husband and I could open it together. We couldn’t wait long and opened it in the parking lot.

And here we are sitting in the car staring at a tree. In complete shock that the paper said “Its a girl!!”.

I think the term “gender disappointment” is a little strong for us. But we’re definitely shocked and trying to process.

We both thought for sure it was a boy when putting everything together.

The funny thing is the first couple letters of the girl name was have picked out is “Ha” and the two first letters of our last name is “Ha” so she’s literally going to be “Haha”. And that is what she did to my husband and I today..

So “Haha”, see you in April you little jokester. ❤️