Did you experience spotting

Della • 💍 Wife 💕 Girl due 06.16.20 born 05.09.2020 ❤️ Mommy x2 💖 Bonus Mommy

Today I’m 5w3d, I’ve been having lots of white or yellow discharge lately. The past few days I haven’t had any. This morning at 5am as I was getting ready I felt a little gush, so I thought my discharge is back. When I checked it was a light pink spot the size of a dime. Then nothing, now it’s 11:30 and I checked and it’s light brown discharge. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday, my hcg levels were checked last week:

10/9/19: 4w2d 828

10/11/19: 4w4d 2,188

10/13/19: 4w6d 4,872

What does this mean! 😢😔 I’m a nervous wreck.

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