My ex boyfriend's mother...

My long distance ex boyfriend and I broke up last year in April. Ironically his mom and I got close after the breakup. She lives in my country while her son is in the UK.

She bought me jewelry and would message me sometimes with funny videos or just to check on me alot last year and earlier this year.  Our conversations have been somewhat limited since June this year and lately I've been feeling like I don't want to talk to her at all because I'm still healing after the breakup with her son.  I actually haven't responded to the last 3 videos she sent me. I've deleted her number from my phone and I've blocked her son I can get a clear mind but whenever she pops up it's like taking 3 steps back. I'm over her son and don't want him back but I'm not over how he emotionally abused me. I know I don't have a reason to stop talking to her but as of now, I feel like there is no reason to really talk to her much. She is just a reminder of the hurt I still deal with.

 Should I continue to still talk to her but on a limited basis or should I block her? I know that blocking is an option but part of me would feel really bad for doing so. I don't really see her so that's not a problem but what should I do?