Possible miscarriage?? Or am I still pregnant?


I experienced occasional light cramping after getting a positive pregnancy test just 4 days after my missed period. I had also experienced some light brown spotting for about one week, until I was about 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

Last week, at 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I started experiencing some cramps that just felt a little more increased than how they had been feeling. About an hour after they started, I noticed a little red blood when I wiped. Early the next morning, I started bleeding pretty heavily and the cramps increased. I bled heavily (gushing whenever I stood up, etc), passed a lot of clots (both small and large), and experienced intense cramps that would stop me in my tracks or leave me bent over. I was 99% sure that I miscarried. The bleeding and cramping only lasted 48 hours and almost as soon as they began, my nausea and tender breasts, enhanced sense of smell, and exhaustion stopped.

I waited about 5 days after bleeding stopped and took another HPT and got a positive almost immediately, just as I had before I bled/cramped. I know that it can take up to 8 weeks or so after miscarrying before you get a negative HPT, but I just think it’s crazy that I got such a strong positive, so quickly! I’ve read about women having miscarriage symptoms like mine and then turning out to have a healthy pregnancy. I haven’t been to the doctor yet or had blood panels run, but I plan to do that soon to confirm things.

But the thing is that now I’d be 7 weeks if I were still pregnant, and I’m suddenly getting the SLIGHTEST nausea (like barely nauseous and only twice today) and experiencing the same light cramps that I had experienced when I found out I was pregnant.

I just wanted to see what everyone thinks....again, I think I miscarried but I can’t help but wonder...