

Babygirl is blowing out of clothes like its a full time plus double overtime job. It's almost always an up the back situation. Swear we just put her in size 1's recently but today we're breaking out size 2's. Two Fridays ago she weighed 10lb 5oz. Haven't weighed her since because my scale is broken. My husband said today after I left for work she blew out of two outfits and I was only gone 5 hours. She blew out of one this morning too and one yesterday afternoon. She's breastfed and her diapers have been yellow and seedy still but oh my lord there's so much. At night she's pretty much only having wet diapers. She saves the blowouts for Daddy 😅.

Anyone else thing this is a little excessive? She still has tears, still drools, her soft spot was sunk in a bit a few days ago but has been fine lately. Still smiley, eats good; not feverish or in any abdominal pain. Just wondering if this is normal or if I should get her checked out. Could she be eating too much? Could it be a result of her taking zantac?

TIA for your input--