Please help.


How to wean my toddler?! I’m really sad but somewhat relieved relieved that we’ve reached the end of our journey. It’s time for my soon to be 2 year old baby girl to wean. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed when she’s pitching fits to nurse if she’s sleepy. Other times, when she’s being her normal sweet self, I know I’m going to miss this.

She only nurses in the morning, nap time and bed time. Her sleep has noooot been good this past month. AND she has a tooth that her dentist said is forming a cavity (from nursing at night).

She won’t take a ba-ba or sippy cup to go to sleep. It’s a habit. She has to nurse to fall asleep. *It’s my fault too.*Right after she turned a year old she seemed like she was ready to wean. She would probably sleep in her own bed more often too if I would’ve put her in her crib when she was young enough to sleep train. Like i said I’m just overwhelmed right now and I’m kind of beating myself up..

Please let me know any advise you have.