Was he flirting/interested? Or just Friendly?

Was recently in Europe... Had a hot tour guide. Was super friendly throughout the day (though I’m sure this is how tour guides are supposed to be), and texted me the next day about something related to the tour. I made a joke, he made a joke, I asked him if he had any art online that I could see (he was a painter, had talked about it during tour), and he sent me a ton of links to his stuff. Told him I was a painter as well, thanked him for everything and figured that was the end of it.

Then he said he was in the neighborhood I was in getting a drink, and asked if I wanted to join. I wasn’t able to go (prior commitment). But I’m just curious. Do you think it was flirting, or just being friendly? I’m just not used to this sort of thing, and he was quite a bit older than me (though we’re both legal adults). I thought he was super attractive but idk if I was just reading into it too much? Looking for opinions...

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