Confused, disheartened and emotional!


Hi all,

I am currently on my second round of 2.5mg Letrozole/Femara starting CD2-7, I normally have between 33-35 day cycles with normal-ish periods. About 3 months ago I have a Laparoscopy done and the doctor removed a 7cm polyp that was in my uterus and was told there would be no further complications TTC, but she put me on Femara to speed up the process since we have been TTC for 19 months now. I do however have high AMH levels so she started me on a low dose to avoid possibly getting OHSS.

Haven’t been successful with any cycle so far and am beginning to loose that glimmer of hope, which slowly crushes me every cycle and this one is no different if not it’s even worse. I started my 2.5mg Femara on 24th September CD2, and everything was fine hardly any side effects this round, I haven’t been doing any OPK’s as we just wanted to have fun and take the stress of TTC, I was due to ovulate (according to the app) on 14th October and that morning I woke up to very light pink spotting only when I wiped, asked my doctor and she said not to worry and if it got any worse or heavier to see her straight away. It only lasted a couple of hours, no pain or cramping. I have been having very tender sensitive breasts since then. Then today on cycle day 25 and again I woke up to light spotting that is a pink/brownish colour only when I wipe, I have been having slight cramps but more like twinges of pain lower abdomen, not painful but annoying.

Please please please has anyone experienced anything similar to what I’m going through, I’m starting to loose hope, for some reason I was super positive this month that it would be OUR turn and with these little spotting occurrences I’m thinking otherwise. I’m planning on going to see my doctor today but just wanted to have someone who understood what I’m going through or if someone can explain why could possibly be happening and calm me down? Or just give me a bit of hope?

Really not in a good head space, it’s emotionally and physically draining and I can’t do this forever. 😫 we are desperate to become parents, we have a beautiful home, a lovely marriage, two beautiful doggies and two beautiful cats and even better family support unit- we’re just for our BFP🤞