
I’ve had big dreams all my life. I worked so hard but have always been afraid of moving forward to where I want to be in life. I graduated Uni with a great degree and worked all throughout my years attending. My plan was to finally find a job in my dream city but some things went west. I have struggled all my life from a toxic relationship with my father. He is very manipulative and I feel I have gotten to a point where I am just over it all. Unfortunately, I have had some emergencies and used a lot of my money from savings. I start a new job this coming Monday and it’s not in a position I’m necessarily excited about. I feel I could be and do so much more but I am just stuck. I am however grateful that it is a good company and the pay is well. I am just so disappointed that I haven’t made it to where I want to be in life and I am only 23. I need much more with experience, friends and my dating life. My household just sucks the life out of me and I don’t know how to escape from it. I worked very hard on my credit score to find out it dropped 61 points out the blue. I just wish I had a way to get away from all of this and be my true self. It’s suffocating at times. I wonder if anyone has gone through what I’m currently going through...