FTM Please Tell me im not crazy🤦


So my mom is toxic. I am 35 weeks pregnant and my parent has done the most damage on my life during this pregnancy in all honesty.

She is allowing her Bf who has repeatedly sexually harassed me stay with us still.

She has threatened to get my child tooken away for absolutely no reason.

Keep in mind I met my mom at 17 and im only 19 now she has been toxic Ever since.

She has called me the N word over and over I am mixed she is is white.

Anyways she also basically wished rape on my kid because i said at one point id allow the father of my child to participate in her life. I immediately fell back on the decision once I realize he was dating a minor in a previous situation he did😣

So here is what I layed out recently... I sent it to my sis... Am I crazy for not wanting toxic people touching my baby💔 Honestly id rather just go it alone...