

This was my first pregnancy and I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks and 3 days I started bleeding on July 21 I went to the hospital they said I had SubChronic hemorrhages . I never heard of this before. I bleed all the way up to July 29 and on July 29 I had a blood clot come out and then i went to my doctor that morning after it came out and my doctor checked and she said everything was fine you don’t need to worry that the blood clots are coming out. I went down the hall to get an ultrasound done and she told me that the baby was fine but my cervix was open a little bit. My doctor sent me home and I still had them blood coming out at 11:00 at night I went into labor and on July 30 at 1:30 a.m is when I had my baby at home. I was heart Broken and I still am. I wanted to know has anybody else had SubChroin hemorrhages before