Had my baby at 38+6!

Amanda • mom to 3.5 yo Caroline Rose and 1 yo Nate 😊

I had no signs of labor until the morning of delivery... I woke up in the middle of the night crying because of a dream I was having (so dumb... my aunt and uncle were mad at me!) I later woke up in the morning and had a bit of a bloody show. I was having some contractions but they weren't very strong at that point. My husband went to work but was on call for me anytime I needed him. By about 1pm the contractions were 3 minutes apart and a lot stronger. Luckily I had called my MIL right away in the morning because I suspected I would need her earlier than I initially had planned. She made the 3 hour drive. When she got here around 2:15, I took a shower and right afterward, my water broke! The contractions were even more painful at that point. I texted my husband to hurry home and take me to the hospital (I was waiting for a call back from my midwife at that point to see if I should go in). He got home and freaking sped as fast as possible around people on the freeway and we came a few inches from rear-ending someone on the exit ramp. We pulled up to the temporary parking in front of the hospital and left the car there while we went up to L&D. We checked in and got to a triage room. Found out I was 10 cm dilated and +2 station. They wheeled me back to the labor room and when I got there they told me I could push with the next contraction. I did and he fell out in two pushes!! Totally natural birth and he was born about 20 minutes after arriving at the front door. Omg it was such a different experience compared to my labor with my now 2.5 year old who I had to he induced with. Still processing how quickly it all happened!! ❤