popular boys are players?

i have a crush on a super sweet and hot guy (josh 18, me 17) but he’s kinda a player. he’s a quarterback in football and i feel like he might like me but he might not? he told me he does, i’m at the top of his best friends list on snapchat and i sit with him in all classes but there are times when we act like «just friends» and then there are times when we act married. i’m not sure if he means it but my god he makes my heart melt.. not gonna lie, sometimes i tell him things like «you’re with the boys rn i’ll talk to you later.. i don’t want to be annoying» when we’re on facetime, and he’ll be like «no my love, please stay» i’ll completely melt and smile like an idiot. i’ve never slept with him and i’ve made it clear i don’t want to do i’m confused. what do i do? are popular boys always players like everyone says??