What is going on?

My daughter sometimes sleeps for 12 hours but other times, even though she’s exhausted, she sleeps for an hour at bedtime and then she is up again for a few hours. She then goes to bed late and is tired in the morning... this started about a month or two ago.

she is not napping too close to bed time so I’m not sure why she keeps doing this. I try to reassure her and put her back to sleep. Sometimes it works but most times it doesn’t.

Tonight she was super tired after daycare so I fed her at 6:45 and she was out by 7. It’s 8:15 and she’s already woken up three times. We always end up giving in and taking her to hang out with us because we just don’t have the energy to keep going back and forth all the time. I miss having some time just to be with my husband in the evening.

Her pediatrician said she might want to spend more time with us now that she started daycare and told us to just keep her with us while we have dinner. But she is so tired, I’m sure she needs much more sleep then what she’s getting.

I have nothing against sleep training but that’s not our plan for the moment.