We can do this ladies! 💪🏻


Hi all, I hope you are all ok after being given the news of having low amh. I know I was devastated after being given my fsh level 3 years ago as 17 and being told I was unlikely to conceive in my own. Then we conceived naturally (after 14 months of trying) and now have a 2 year old boy.

We are now ttc # 2 and after having tests prior to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> as few months ago , I found out that my amh is 0.3 and the doctor told us she wouldn’t offer <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> as she felt my body wouldn’t respond to it ( I’m in the UK so this was a refusal for NHs funding). We’ve been trying naturally for almost a year now and I’ve recently started acupuncture as it seemed to work last time. The other things I’m taking daily are;

- coq10 (400mg)

- pre natal (BioCare)

- vitamin D

- Cod liver oil

- maca

Is there anything else any of you can recommend? Thanks in advance for the support xx