I can’t take this anymore 😭😭😭

Anna • 💏 7/2017 PCOS and TTC #1

Ladies... I think we have all reached our breaking point with PCOS. Today is that day for me. I was diagnosed about 12 years ago at the age of 18 and of course, my brain didn’t quite comprehend and I was no where near ready to think about a family. I’ve had the usual symptoms: facial hair, weight gain, very light or no periods at all for months. Yet, as soon as I turned 30 this year, it all started hitting the fan. It seems every single month the last few months I have had a large cyst on one or both ovaries. I had a hemorrhagic cyst on my left which ruptured and as of today, i have a large simple cyst on my right. I have been in excruciating pain these last few days and the ultrasound today followed up with my NP was the usual “sorry you’re in pain” and “this is the usual with PCOS”. I feel defeated, angry, and dramatic because no one quite understands what PCOS feels like unless you have it. I feel like I can’t get answers for my pain and I feel silly when I express how much discomfort I am in. It really is an “invisible” disease because it wreaks havoc inside our body and it is so hard to describe the pain and emotions that come along with it. I want to grow our family and be a mother. I just don’t know if I can take this pain anymore 😭 Someone out there please just tell me I’m not crazy and I can get through this. Today sucks. I hate you, PCOS! 😡