Getting criticized by my parenting!?

I have 3 kids, 3, 1, & 2mths old. Everytime we go visit family, my 3yr old gets scared, and wants me only. He will cry and scream if i dont hold him. Hes been like this since he was 6mths old. But hes getting a bit better. it takes time for him to get used to strangers place.

Anyways, i always hold him cause if i dont, he will cry and scream. My other two kids doesnt want me to hold them, so i let them be. Because of this, my parents and all my sisters always criticize me that im a bad mom, i never hold my other 2 kids, i love my 3yr old more than my other 2. But what they dont know is that, i do hold my other 2 kids, i can too, cause my 3yr old only wants me when we are at another persons place. He doesnt do that when we are at our own home.

I tell this to them but they dont believe me and still say that i dont love my other 2 kids. They denied it when i tell them and act like they know so much. Theyll be like nope, u dont love ur other kids, u only love ur 3yr old. Telling me they feel sorry for my 1yr old cause his mom never hold him. It pisses me off so bad.

What should i do?