Pregnancy carpel tunnel and other hand problems 😩


***Venting post and willing to accept ANY advice***

So, I have had a really easy and great pregnancy so far, I shouldn’t complain and I keep trying to tell myself when I get to that point that the reason for my pain is because of this sweet miracle growing inside me. But my hands are KILLING me😭 I do hair and nails for a living so I’m constantly using my hands and it’s pretty impossible to give them a break. I was referred to an orthopedic who told me I had carpel tunnel {I was 18 weeks at the time } and I got a shot of cortisone in each wrist because the numbness was unbearable! It seemed almost like instant relief but I started getting a serious ache at the bottom of my thumb, like to the point where it hurt to even screen shot on my phone 🤦🏽‍♀️ I called back to see what I should do and they booked me for occupational therapy. When I went for that the therapist suggested I may have a cyst or bone spur and will more than likely need an X-ray and to go back to the ortho. We did some therapy and the next morning my thumb hurt even worse and now so did my wrist! A week later my other thumb started to I again, call back and they tell me to cancel my remaining appts. We discussed acupuncture and seeing a chiropractor, so I met with a chiropractor but that ended quickly when I felt they just wanted money so I’m still on a hunt for one because I know it will be beneficial to get adjusted which will help with delivery. Anyway, I call the orthopedic back after speaking with my uncle who is a chiropractor and my brother who is a doctor { both in Ohio} and asked to have an MRI ordered. I get a call back saying the ortho is referring me to a neurology institute for a bilateral EMG test. I was so happy thinking I would get, what a bust! All that happened was them confirming I have carpel tunnel and it’s “normal” at this stage of pregnancy! That doctor then said they were referring me back to my orthopedic to deal with my thumb and wrists🤬 I wanted to scream! I know I have carpel tunnel, my whole reason for calling was because of my thumb and wrist!!!! I feel like they just aren’t listening to me! Two days later I hear nothing so I call back, they tell me they never received anything about needing to contact me (I’m livid at this point) and now I have a freaking consultation in 3 weeks with my doc. I asked again to order an MRI and to see if it’s safe to get another shot of cortisone because my hands are getting numb again in the morning and it’s really hard to sleep once I wake up in the middle of the night. I just want some answers other than, “you’re pregnant and hopefully it will go away after baby is born”. Like No, tell me something I almost don’t care if they lie to me at this point just give me some sort of answers and advice! I can’t go 2 1/2 more months like this...I’m self employed and rely on my hands! If you have any suggestions please please let me know!

And yes, I sleep with splints, I soak with hot water and epson salt and I use cold packs. For the love of God someone help me! And before I get any rude ass comments, I’m more gracious than you’ll ever know to be pregnant, I wouldn’t change this for ANYTHING I just need a little help right now...